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Directional drilling, not just for well drilling

December 01, 2010

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) has rapidly become the most valuable technology in the oil drilling business. Not only does directional drilling allow accessing areas that are otherwise out of reach economically, horizontal wells are now a favoured method to extract oil and gas. Directional drilling enables a larger contact with the productive area than vertical wells. Even though the HDD process may cost as much as two or three times the cost of a vertical well, the end result (e.g. the production factor) pays for itself as it can be as much as 15 to 20 times more advantageous.

Horizontal directional drilling is not only beneficial in drilling for gas and oil; today this technology is being applied to assist other areas as well.

Directional drilling to avoid traffic issues

In Mahoning County in Ohio, directional drilling is being used to install new sewer lines. This type of project inevitably causes traffic disruptions and destroys front lawns, streets and landscaping. The sanitary engineers in Mahoning County have turned to horizontal drilling to help solve the majority of issues relating to this type of project. Directional drilling allows workers to bore 500 feet at a time. This project, which consists of placing new 12 inch PVC pipe along a 4000 foot stretch, typically requires that a trench be dug the entire length and then entails landscaping, road work and clean up to complete the task. Using directional drilling, the crew digs underground for 500 to 800 feet and then pulls the piping through. With the use of horizontal drilling, the affected area is only about 40 feet in diameter, every 500 feet or so.

Directional drilling is a technology which enables drilling in areas and situations where traditional drilling methods would be unproductive, even impossible.

PVC Plus Drilling Products offers solutions for various types of drilling challenges by offering superior products and service. For more information regarding horizontal directional drilling, well drilling supplies, drilling fluids and HDPE pipe, contact PVC Plus Drilling Products.

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