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PVC pipe critical for use in aquariums

January 05, 2011

PVC piping has long been used in aquariums to make certain the water circulating through the tanks is clean and filtered. PVC pipes are extremely resistant to the accumulation of clogging and corroding bio film, a slimy layer of bacteria which tends to develop in the tanks.

Leading aquariums
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Georgia Aquarium, two world renowned centres, rely on the characteristics of PVC piping to maintain the purity of their huge tanks.

  • The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, located in San Diego, California, is not only one of the most important centers for ocean and earth science research, education, and public service in the world, but it is also amongst the oldest and the largest.
  • The Georgia Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world. The aquarium houses 500 different species and more than 100,000 animals. Visitors to the Ocean Voyager exhibit at Atlanta’s Georgia Aquarium view a tank that is the length of a football field and contains 6.3 million gallons of salt water. Visitors do not see the life support system for all the creatures which constitutes in 10 miles of PVC pipe behind the massive tank.

PVC pipe specifications

  • Durability and smoothness

The low friction on the inside of the PVC piping, limits biological growth, such as algae, crabs and mussels. PVC piping is low maintenance and very durable.

  •  Economical and durable

In Los Angeles, the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium still relies on its original PVC piping system that was installed in 1981. The nearly 30 year old pipes have never needed repairs.

  • Non corrosive

The salt water used in many aquarium tanks is extremely corrosive. PVC does not corrode; therefore the pipes do not leak or allow chemicals to trickle into the water, affecting fish and plant life.

  • Efficiency and limited space

PVC is easy to install, cut and configure. As well, PVC piping necessitates a less significant turning radius than other piping material, saving space in smaller areas.

Closed filtration system
The Georgia Aquarium, located in Atlanta, far from the coast, produces its own artificial salt water. The water is made once and then continuously recycled and disinfected by multiple filters in a closed system. PVC pipes connect all stages of filtration and heat exchangers. The PVC pipes then return the clean water into the tank.

Horizontal directional drilling
When the Scripps Institution of Oceanography needed to replace sections of its filtration system’s piping, contractors relied on horizontal drilling to bore a path for the new PVC piping that would replace the run down concrete pipes. Horizontal drilling limited the disturbances on the Institution’s campus, and the flexibility of the PVC pipes enabled the workers to pass the pipe through underground areas which were crammed full of existing utilities. Upon completion of the project, more than 4,000 feet of PVC pipe was used.

Today, the use of PVC piping is no longer limited to natural gas and drinking water. PVC piping is widely used. In many conditions, PVC is a better choice than other materials as it is non-corrosive, durable and amongst the simplest material to utilize and configure.

PVC Plus Drilling is an important supplier of PVC pipes and fittings. PVC Plus Drilling manufacturers slotted PVC pipe screen in horizontal and custom patterns, distributes Teflon, CPVC, Stainless Steel and HDPE pipes and fittings, as well as being a key PVC pipe supplier.

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